The Blog Plan..

This is going to be a fun ride! It’s a little challenging to become acquainted without actually seeing all the various faces skimming along my page, but let’s start! As you may already know, my name is Elizabeth. Now we’re on a first name basis. First step: Completed. Through this journey I intend to share with you my travel bucket list, the places I have already been (with photos of course!), some helpful tips from others, and my own experience with the dreaded pre-travel checklist!

You ask how will I manage such content? Well, traveling is in my blood, literally. My great grandparents on one side came from a smaller town outside of Florence, Italy. They migrated all the way from Italy to the U.S. While on the flip side my other great, great grandmother walked, I repeat, WALKED, from Sweden to Norway with only the clothes on her back and what was left of the soles on her feet. Finally, both sides making it to America, they started a life in New Jersey. With all that said, do you believe me about traveling being in my blood? Hopefully this puts me in a position to give some advice. Of course, I will gladly accept more advice, tips, and anything you can offer to better my own experiences, and who knows, maybe I’ll find a long lost cousin!

Now, to spicy up the content a little I have several ideas about a possible logo, some visuals, as well as vocal interviews. I can’t wait to share them with you! My first concept for the logo is entitled, “My World in a Suitcase”. I got inspiration from this piece of art in my room, (courtesy of my mother) and instead of depicting a girl sitting on a globe, I want to create a suitcase that has the globe squished in it and myself sitting on top. I interpret it as the world being so big that it couldn’t possibly be as easy as zipping up a suitcase, but in reality it is as easy as packing up and heading out the door. It’s inspiration for everyone that it’s never too late to zip up and explore. For my second idea, I see myself interviewing my grandmother about her experience living in Italy. Getting around, the language barrier, cost, and the small things that made it great. The interview will be a different perspective into what it’s actually like living out of the country!

There are so many things to get EXCITED about! I hope to show you the importance of traveling and how, literally, you can find that it’s in your blood too!

Written with much Enthusiasm,


My Inspiration:

Here are some other blogs and resources I have gotten, and continue to get, inspiration from!

Check out how this author uses her page to showcase where she has been throughout the world! I love her use of the world map and bright color scheme.

Ever feel like you have so much on your plate, and wouldn’t know where to begin in your travel journey? Well, this author has an inspiring story to tell!

And finally, we all have those picturesque moments in life, why not take advantage of what your IPhone can do just like this author?

Please enjoy this photo taken by yours truly at the summit of Koko Crater in Honolulu, HI!

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